Organization Tip of The Week: Maintaining an Organized Pantry

August 10, 2021

I think it’s fair to say, many of us have trouble staying organized throughout the year. When it comes to pantries, I think we can all agree it’s a love hate relationship. To help you guys out, we’re going to give you a few pointers on how to start this organization task and it’s not even spring!

First, empty your pantry and thoroughly clean it out before you start any organization. It’s so much easier to toss expired foods, or things that are no longer needed. Start in sections if you have an extra big pantry! 

Second, now that you’ve thrown out all that junk, it’ll be much easier to categorize the items that are left to organize. This is something I’ve started doing recently that honestly helps a lot more than I thought it would. Create an inventory list! Make a list of all your pantry items and update it frequently. If you have an Alexa, it’s a great way to digitally keep track so you can pull it up when you go grocery shopping. 

This is also the perfect time to vacuum or sweep out any crumbs and foods that may be hiding on the floors. Our Green Tech Cleaning technicians will tell you, it’s the best way to avoid attracting ants or other pests. 

Last, to keep things simple, place items that are similar together. I love having a section for my breads, pastas, snacks and baking essentials. To add a French flair, use wicker baskets to hold larger items! Très belle. 

Here’s a bonus tip if you have young children: make a kid-friendly area. Who doesn’t want their children to exercise more independence? In our house, we’re trying to encourage our kids to grab their own snacks, and not yell mom 100 times a day. We filled a bottom shelf with snacks, plates and kid friendly utensils. Visibility and accessibility are key to this concept, because it will help them keep up in this area! 
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