Kill Your Procrastination With A Ten Minute Clean

August 2, 2021

I think at some point or another, we all attempt to create a version of ourselves that is tidier and cleaner, especially for new years resolutions. And honestly, it probably doesn’t last too long. Studies have proven that humans are not so successful when it comes to prioritizing long-term goals over instant gratification, and let’s face it, cleaning is probably the last thing anyone wants to do.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out why we like putting things off like doing our dishes, over binge watching 10+ hours of Netflix in a weekend, clearly time is not the issue here. The obvious answer is: dishes are gross and we can always do it later. At some point however, the stress of not having completed these tasks become more of an annoyance than having to do them in the first place. To battle these woes, take 10 minutes each day to do a simple clean that will leave you feeling accomplished and maybe one step closer to becoming that tidier you.

I took inspiration from one of my favorite cleaning books “Simply Clean” to bring you guys this simple 10-minute guide to cleaning your kitchen. Enjoy and feel free to share!

Give Your Kitchen A Quick Clean!

Maybe you have unexpected guests stopping by, or just need that kitchen cleaned in a hurry. I love using these steps as a guide anytime my kitchen needs a quick pick-me-up!

Pick your tools!

Just as we like to do for all of our residential cleans, it’s important to have a handy set of cleaning supplies at your disposal for your home. All purpose cleaners, sink scrubs, disinfectants and microfiber cloths are a must have!

Declutter Declutter Declutter

A quick declutter of your space will help the cleaning process immensely. Gather your clutter from the kitchen table, countertops and floors and get them out of that kitchen!

Bathe Those Dishes!

Whether you’re a dishwasher fan or you like to go old school and wash by hand, get those dishes out of sight! While it may seem tempting to skip out on this, loading and unloading a dishwasher has proven to take an average of 5-6 minutes. That’s not bad at all!

Scrub That Sink!

Give your sink a shine by scrubbing with your favorite all purpose cleaner. Make sure to get around the edges of faucets and handles as grime loves to build on these surfaces! 
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