Well, I'd like to listen to someone who’s not into cleaning the kitchen but was forced to clean because they tend to do their task in a blink of an eye. I would love to get their idea of cleaning their cooking area. I would ask them how they do it in the fastest way. On the other hand, if I need some techniques for cleaning I would ask someone expert and obsessed with cleaning because they spend their time cleaning so they have the best results in terms of cleaning.
But this time, I’ll teach you how to clean the kitchen in a matter of minutes.
You need to remember this simple and precise S.A.W.T
method in cleaning your kitchen. This cleaning technique will give you the fastest way to clean your kitchen and you will not even realize that you did it. It is Segregate, Arrange, Wipe and Throw.
Imagine your kitchen is cluttered with different types of dirt, some used and unused utensils. So before doing any cleaning, you need to Segregate
the clean and dirty utensils. After doing that you need to Arrange
clean kitchen utensils and Wipe
the dirt that is stuck in your cooking area and don't forget to disinfect it! Lastly, you need to Throw
the garbage and dust. Now, see that wonderful kitchen you cleaned in a matter of seconds!