Cleaning high touch points daily to prevent the spread of COVID-19

Green Tech Cleaning LLC Green Tech Cleaning LLC • April 19, 2020

Cleaning high touch points daily to prevent the spread of COVID-19

The Corona virus also known as COVID-19 has altered the world and society as we knew it!
In the wake of this pandemic, businesses have been instructed to turn away walk-in customers in order to adhere to strict governmental and CDC guidelines; many have been forced to close their doors and lay valued employees off. Fortunately for essential businesses such as cleaning and janitorial companies, there has been an influx as it relates to the demand for commercial cleaning services. Establishments that are still currently open have enlisted specialty sanitation services as part of their cleaning scope. Businesses are taking these measures as a precaution to ensure the safety of the general public.

Green Tech Cleaning LLC has adopted an evolutionary measure, known as the C.D.C.S protocol, which stands for Commercial Disinfecting Cleaning and Sanitizing. When learning about this method, establishments such as banks, child care centers, and pharmacies are using this cleaning protocol as a way to repetitiously keep their facilities disinfected and sanitized. To learn more about what this process entails please click on link below:

Moreover, the Residential Cleaning Sector has been negatively impacted as a result of this worldwide pandemic. While businesses have been forced to close their doors, the unemployment rate continues to climb. The need for residential cleaning services has decreased drastically. If you follow what's been going on with the stock market in the past few months you will see a downward decline in the overall market. The service-base industry in general is suffering. Until the stay-at-home orders that are currently in place are lifted and businesses begin to reopen, there will be a continuous decline unfortunately.
Furthermore, When it comes to fighting against the spread of viruses, germs and bacteria, it is imperative to target high touch points when cleaning and disinfecting. 
Touch points are areas that people frequently touch in order to fulfill everyday tasks. Whether it be of necessity or leisure. Here are some high touch points we target:
Faucets, light switches, outlets, telephones door knobs, counter tops, refrigerator handle, keyboards, remote controls, toilet handles, handrails and so much more. 
Households should be cleaning all touch points throughout their homes daily. This will prevents the growth and spread of germs, viruses and bacteria.
In conclusions, due to the overwhelming success that Green Tech Cleaning has had in such a short period of time with carrying out the C.D.C.S. protocol. It is imperative to have systems in places for the residential sector as well! Green Tech cleaning LLC will be implementing a new protocol which is inclusive for residential customers. This protocol is called R.D.C.S. (which stands for Residential disinfecting Cleaning and Sanitizing) For more information please refer to the link below.

Remember washing your hands constantly and covering your nose and mouth when sneezing and coughing is vital as it helps in preventing the spread of viruses.

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